Consultations are by appointment only and can be made in person or by telephone to the surgery. You can consult any of the doctors. Let the receptionist know which GP you wish to attend and the receptionist will advise you of the first available appointment with this GP. .
If you are taken suddenly unwell and your illness cannot wait until the next available appointment, your details will be passed to one of the GPs who will call you back to assess your needs. You will not be able to choose a preferred GP in this situation nor the time of your appointment.
When you telephone to make an appointment, you will speak to one of our reception team. The receptionist will ask for your name and date of birth or that of the person you are representing. This ensures that the correct patient details are recorded. The receptioist will ask the reason for your appointment and we appreciate that you share this information so you can be directed to the approprate healthcare professional. The GP is not always the appropriate person and you may be advsied to contact your local pharmacy, optician, nurse, phlebotamy service, treatment room, minor injuries clinic, physiotherapry. See signposting link below.
Appointments are scheduled for ten minutes with the GP. If you feel that you require a longer appointment, please let the receptionist know at the time of booking.
Appointments are for consultations only. The GP will not complete forms or issue repeat prescriptions during an appointment.