External Clinics & Services
There are some services which we cannot provide at the Practice but which we do have access to at other sites.
- You can self refer to Physiotherapy-forms available at reception.
- You can self refer to Podiatry by telephoning 0141 347 8909 - Monday, Wednesday and Friday all day or Thursday morning before 12:30.
- Referral to speech therapy, dietetics and mental health services are by the GP.
- We have direct access to X-ray facilities at Victoria and Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals.
Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS)
If you are pregnant and wish to continue the pregnancy please contact the Maternity services on: 0141 232 4005.
If you have any concerns of a miscarriage, and have already referred yourself to the maternity service. Please phone, The Princess Royal Maternity on 0141 211 5317 for advice.
If heavily bleeding please attend your nearest Accident and Emergency Department.
LGBTQ + Services
Glasgow City HSCP has funded a range of health and welbeing services to support LGBTQ+ people.